When it comes to choosing beehives, there is no shortage of options. Today, there are several types of beehives available, but you have to choose the right one carefully, since your choice involves an investment of money. Nowadays, most of the beginning beekeepers choose a Langstroth-style hive or a top-bar hive, but one of the most popular forms is the Warré hive - a modified version of the top-bar design. Depending on your choice, you can find honey bee hives for sale online and pick up the right one to make an accurate investment decision. Langstroth Hive: This is the most popular option among modern beekeepers. It was invented by Dr. L.L. Langstroth. He was a Massachusetts minister and beekeeping hobbyist. This type of hive includes a bottom board, one or two deep supers, one or two honey supers, an inner cover, and an outer cover and the frame. It is easy to harvest Langstroth hives using standardized equipment. Also, it is easy to move because the components can be disassemble...