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Showing posts from August, 2019

Misconceptions About Beekeeping Busted

Beginners in beekeeping or honey extraction need to relax and have fun keeping bees. It’s not only enjoyable but one of the most effective ways to come closer to nature. The most important thing that you need to focus is to take good care of your charges. The reality is, sometimes, bees do require your help in dealing with the relentless depredation by the varroa mite or a lack of forage, however, it is rewarding to assist them through difficult times. Here are some misconceptions about beekeeping or honey extraction busted - 1. You need to have the best beehive for your bees – Believe it or not, it doesn’t really matter much to the bees as to what kind of box you will keep them in or what sort of comb you are going to use. Instead, you should focus more on keeping a good stock and proper husbandry, rather than thinking too much about any particular equipment. 2. Bees hate “chemicals” - There is nothing wrong in using organic acids or essential oils as treatments against the varro...