Once you have decided to get into the beekeeping business, you need to realize that to get the most rewards, you need to do a lot of work. Before you delve into the purchase of wooden hive parts and equipment, you must look for some high-quality nuc for sale . Purchasing bee nucs is the most commonly used method to acquire bees. With that being said, you must know that purchasing bees by any of the relevant methods has pros and cons, and it is the personal decision of the beekeeper. As a beekeeper, only you know how much money you are willing to spend to run the business. We’ll start the next part of the blog with what nucs are and then we’ll jump into some useful tips to help you with bee colony installation. A nuc is considered to be the the heart of the hive. The most popular type is the 5 frame nuc. An mated queen is present here, which is already acquainted with the colony and worker bees. If it is a good nuc, it will have 3 frames of baby bees, also known as brood. This is nece...