You might have already heard of honeybee queens being the leaders of bee colonies in their respective farms. However, it is difficult to know how worker bees choose a queen bee or how you can identify one. If you want to rear bees as a hobby or start an apiary business, you don’t have to worry about choosing the queen bee anymore. You can buy a queen bee from a beekeeping supply store that offers locally produced honeybee queens for sale in Illinois . The queens are bred from survivor stock in their mating yards. Continue reading to find out more facts about queen bees. The largest bee In a bee colony, you may see hundreds of bees thronging the honeybee comb. In the swarm of bees, you will a spot where almost every bee is pointing its face toward a particular bee in the middle. If that prominent bee is larger than other bees, she is definitely the queen. Daytime is the best time to spot a queen bee when the surroundings of the honeycomb frame are bright and clear. Not a monarch Unlike ...