A group of organized workers needs a leader. In the same way, a colony of honeybees requires the queen bee as their leader to keep the operation alive. Without the leader, the worker bees cannot maintain their hives. In the world of bees, a beehive may die soon after the death of the queen. If you are planning to start an apiary business or maintain an existing one, you should buy queen bee online in Illinois . As a beekeeper, you must know how to spot a queen bee from the others. Here are some helpful tips to identify the queen so that you can maintain a beehive for a long time. Large bee with a pointed abdomen Usually, a queen bee is larger than the rest of the bees in the colony. However, sometimes a drone may be bigger than the queen bee. If you doubt choosing the correct one, look at the shape of the body. The queen will have a much thicker body with a narrower abdomen as compared to the drone. Meanwhile, an ordinary honeybee will have a blunt abdomen and its legs directly attache...