Beekeeping is no joke. Those who are doing it just to get a lot of honey should better go to a nearby store and buy some instead. There are also online stores that sell 100% pure honey, from where you can buy as much honey you want. Why get into the hassles? Make no mistake — we are not discouraging you from becoming a beekeeper, we just want you to make sure that you don’t take it for granted. A true beekeeper knows that there is a lot that goes into the process and to achieve the best results, every important aspect of it should be taken good care of. A specialist in beekeeping and hive management services can help you. Here are a few things beginners in beekeeping should know- Regular Inspections Beekeepers should perform regular hive inspections— at least once a month being as thorough as you will pay off in the end. Hive inspections are done to continually monitor a colony's health, productivity, and temperament. Doing so will provide many insights into the Queen's prod...