The concept of ‘selling honey for money’ is quite a sweet deal, but only if you’re willing to master the art of beekeeping. Beekeeping can indeed be a lucrative industry with a lot of demand and streamlined competition. However, if working with bees has caught your interest off-late, a little insight on what you might encounter once you get into the business of beekeeping might be helpful for you. From beekeeping products to sting-resistant suits- here’s what you need to know- The Beginner’s Checklist Before we bring bees into the scene, we have a few self-evaluation questions that you need to ask yourself- What is the beekeeping market/industry like where you stay? Why do you want to keep bees? Are there any legal requirements for beekeeping in your area? If so, do you meet them or would you need additional time, effort, and investment for it? Apart from these questions, here are two major points that you need to consider- 1.The Investment- Beekeeping, at least the in...