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Showing posts from January, 2022

Nuc Vs Package Bees: Which Is Better For a Beginner?

If you are getting started as a beekeeper, the first and foremost thing that you need to choose is a bee source. There are two primary sources of bees: package bees and honey bee nucs. Both of them have their pros and cons. Let’s look at these honey sources in greater detail with the help of this article. Package Bees Each year, more than a thousand honeybee packages are sold, and the most popular size is the three # (weight) package of bees with a young mated queen. The bees in these packages come from commercial pollination services. A wooden box or small wire is utilized to transport them, and a can of sugar syrup is fed to them on the way. Nucs Nucleus colonies, also known as nucs, are the central part of a large colony. Various retailers who deal with bee products and other related accessories have honey bee nucs for sale, where you can find nuc as a small colony living on about 5 frames. It has all the traits of a fully-grown colony and, in addition to that, also has some stored ...