A queen bee is indeed the ruler of a bee hive as well as the parent of the colony's workers and drones bees, but not all of them. A strong queen is essential to the hive's survival; if she becomes unwell or dies, the colony will perish if a replacement queen is not found in time. Beekeepers must be able to differentiate a queen bee from one another in order to keep their colonies running well. Look for distinctions in behavior, location, and physical qualities to help you find and brand your queen. Seek for the biggest bee Almost typically, the queen bee is the biggest bee inside the colony. Drones can grow to be as large as or larger than that of the queen, but you can distinguish them apart by their girth while buying queen bee online in Chicago . The queen bee will indeed be significantly longer and slimmer than that of the other bees. Look for a protruding abdomen The abdomen of a bee is the lowest section of its body, next to the stinger. The abdomens of honeybees are blun...