The rearing of bees has been a trend that is catching up these days. When people have a passion for raising a bee colony, they think about buying a bee nuc. As a matter of fact, you can get a bee nuc on sale in Illinois easily, but before you buy them, you should have basic knowledge about the Nucs. Nuc is a small part of the colony which is a part taken away from a larger colony. Quality of the Nucs is important which will decide the kind of colony that you will have in the future.
What to look for a Nuc?
First things first, one of the major differences between a colony and a nuc is that the latter has a smaller number of frames. On an average, a nuc contains about 4- 5 frames which have broods growing in them. In a nuc, brood is present in all stages of development. The structure somewhat coincides with that of a colony but it has a more compact size leaving room for you to nurture them. You can see the entire production starting from scratch.
Structure of the Nuc
Secondly, a nuc has workers in all the stages of development. Some of those workers are drones and the remaining ones are regular ones. One of the most important components of a nuc is a laying queen. With the fall of different seasons, a queen lays eggs for further expanding the bee population in the colony. When you have to buy a bee nuc on sale in Illinois, you can ask your retailer whether the Nuc has some pre-stored honey and pollen in place which will aid development.
Frames of broods v/s adult bees
In most situations, the bee sellers do not have fixed standards when it comes to selling the nucs. This is because the number of frames that are present in the nucs are not fixed. While some of the sellers mention about 4- 5 frame, there are others who do not give an accurate number. You have to pay attention to the fact so that you have an estimate of the number of adult bees in the frames as compared to the number of Nucs.
Some of the other facts that you need to consider are the age of the nucs that you buy. Remember to check the age and quality of the Nuc when you buy a bee nuc on sale in Illinois from various sellers online.
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