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5 Beekeeping Tips You Must Consider As A Beginner

Beekeeping isn't an easy task, and what makes it harder is not so much reliable advice from other beekeepers. There is an old saying that goes by if you ask 100 beekeepers a question you will get 101 answers. Every beginner needs some guidance and knowledge so they can avoid mistakes. This job comes with acknowledging that you cannot find in books; only the experience will make your perfect. To help with your initial days at beekeeping, we have gathered a few tips that will make you smarter at this job. With too many services offering bee nuc for sale in Chicago, anyone can start their career as a beekeeper.

1. Learn about the bees

In order to become a good beekeeper, you need to understand about the bees first. Pick the book telling you about the bee’s biology evolution, behavior, and other things. The more you know about the bee, and what they are doing, you will be better at managing them. Try to use the internet and books to gather as much information as you can on bees. Understand their behavior during different stage of the cycle.

2. Use Frames

You will find a number of hive designs in the market stating their numerous benefits over others. But, we will be suggesting you the frames for efficient work and easily handling the bees. Using the frames will enable to move combs freely and inspect the hive anytime without any issue. You can swap the frames between the boxes to split them and also use the extractor.

3. Keep Them Close

We understand that you need a place outside the city to keep your hives for properly managing them. But, we suggest you keep them closer to your place, so you don't have to travel a lot for reaching to the colonies. The lesser travel time will allow you to visit them more often so you can take care of them effectively.


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