Beekeepers use a device called Bee smoker that produces smoke that help keep bees calm. The smoke is produced using various types of fuel which might include pine needles, paper egg cartons, and rotten wood as fuel. The smoke calm the bees in two ways: It blocks their sense of smell. Triggers their survival response. What Does Smoke Do to Bees? The predominant mode of communication for bees is their sense of smell. Whenever there is an intruder near the hive, the bees secrete alarm pheromones, Isopentyl acetate, and 2-heptanone. A pheromone is a substance secreted by an animal that causes a specific reaction by another individual of the same species. These alarm compounds trigger an alarm response in other bees, which readies them to stage an attack against an intruder. The smoke masks the presence of the pheromone being secreted and prevents other bees from being alerted to the danger. Bee smoker produces a smoke obtained by combustion of fuel which...