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How Does Bee Smoker Affects The Bees

Beekeepers use a device called Bee smoker that produces smoke that help keep bees calm. The smoke is produced using various types of fuel which might include pine needles, paper egg cartons, and rotten wood as fuel. The smoke calm the bees in two ways:
  • It blocks their sense of smell.
  • Triggers their survival response.

What Does Smoke Do to Bees?

The predominant mode of communication for bees is their sense of smell. Whenever there is an intruder near the hive, the bees secrete alarm pheromones, Isopentyl acetate, and 2-heptanone. A pheromone is a substance secreted by an animal that causes a specific reaction by another individual of the same species. These alarm compounds trigger an alarm response in other bees, which readies them to stage an attack against an intruder. The smoke masks the presence of the pheromone being secreted and prevents other bees from being alerted to the danger. Bee smoker produces a smoke obtained by combustion of fuel which calms the bees. This helps in collection of bees without any physical damage to collector.

How to use a bee smoker?

The rule of thumb when using your beekeeping smoker is less is more. The smoke does keep you from getting stung but it also disturbs the bees, and can contaminate your honey stores or wax if used too liberally. It takes about ten minutes to work. Never hold the spout of the bee smoker less than 6 inches from the bees  because the smoke can be hot. It is always advised to wear proper safety clothing to protect oneself from any accident.

Steps to light a bee smoker

The following steps will help you lit the smoker for long periods without going out.
  • Begin with some quick-starting fuel like crushed newspaper or pine needles. Make sure the fuel is not be packed tightly and have lots of air spaces. Ignite the fuel, wait until it burns on its own, and then push it down to the bottom of the smoker with your hive tool. Squeeze the bellows a few times to force air up through the lightly-packed fuel.
  • After the initial fuel is burning well, add another handful of fluffy fuel to the smoker and squeeze the bellows a few more times.
  • Repeat the previous step one or two more times and remember to always add a few puffs of air.


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