The saying busy as a bee is popular for a reason. During their lifetime, bees travel as much as four rounds around the earth in the search of flowers. From pollinating the plants to the production of fruits and vegetables, their efforts can be seen everywhere. Needless to say, bees are the reason for delicious honey and beeswax we use. When the time is right, beekeepers keep their eyes on beehives to extract the sweet result of their hard work - honey. Whether you are a new beekeeper or an old honey expert, there are some important tips that you must follow while extracting honey. Be slow and steady Yes, it is hard to wait for fresh honey but you have to be extremely steady unless you want aggressive bees around you. Harvesting honey from hives is not something you should rush for. You have to be patient as it sometimes takes your whole day. Take your time to figure out when is the right time or bees are safe to approach. Location matters Though small in size, they have the sens...