Being an authentic beekeeper professional would require you to have more than just the basic knowledge of the names and function of various types of bee equipment as well as supplies. It is always a good idea to have some additional stuffs beyond the immediate requirement of the colonies. This will help you tackle any kind of emergency situation if its arises. This holds true even if you are staring off as a beekeeper by having just a couple of hives. The colony population wanes and waxes all throughout the year, that is why keeping an extra box or two is always appreciated. If your beehive swarms, this might require you have an extra box. Bee things take place and they cannot always be expected. The conclusion is that you would need ample amount storage space for your bee things. Additionally the more hives you have to take care of, the more space you will need for the additional wooden parts, feeders, and various beekeeping supplies.
You must acknowledge the fact that you cannot simply restrict your beekeeping passion in a single place. It will certainly spill over and would require more space than what you had initially anticipated. Always have a beekeeper’s bucket and tool box ready. By keeping these items, you don’t have to remember every minute details whenever you are required to go out to carry out hive inspections. It is advisable to keep the basic beekeeping supplies and tools in a tote bag. Some of these items are hive equipment, sugar water spray bottle, and queen marking pen.
When the off season has arrived, that compact container can be taken out and kept in a workroom shelf or closet. Should you decide to get a tote for yourself, ensure that you hold the plastic spray bottle without falling out. Make use of a freezer to keep some of the older beekeeping supplies preserved. Ask any beekeeping expert and you will know the importance of it, having more than one freezer is advised. The freezer is also an excellent place to store left over bee pollen substitute.
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