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The Ultimate Checklist for Beekeeping

The concept of ‘selling honey for money’ is quite a sweet deal, but only if you’re willing to master the art of beekeeping. Beekeeping can indeed be a lucrative industry with a lot of demand and streamlined competition. However, if working with bees has caught your interest off-late, a little insight on what you might encounter once you get into the business of beekeeping might be helpful for you. From  beekeeping products  to sting-resistant suits- here’s what you need to know- The Beginner’s Checklist Before we bring bees into the scene, we have a few self-evaluation questions that you need to ask yourself- What is the beekeeping market/industry like where you stay? Why do you want to keep bees? Are there any legal requirements for beekeeping in your area? If so, do you meet them or would you need additional time, effort, and investment for it? Apart from these questions, here are two major points that you need to consider- 1.The Investment-  Beekeeping, at least the in...

Simple Ways To Save The Bee Population

Years after the introduction of technology that has prevailed in most farming sectors, people still prefer regenerative farming that involves a natural approach. Among other commodities we use every day, honey has become one of the most demanded products in the market. Unfortunately, the population of bees has been declining due to climate change. If you want to be a part of the movement to maintain our ecosystem, consider the following ways to save bee lives. Grow bee-friendly plants When the weather changes, honeybees will look for comfortable places to themselves safe from unprecedented conditions. You can lure them to your garden by providing plants that yield nectar-filled flowers. Although you don’t want to extend your project as a big business, consider investing in affordable plants. Honeysuckle, sunflower, dahlia, pot marigold, and squash are affordable plants easily available in garden supply stores. Provide trees for bees Honeybees can fly miles in search of food and shelter...

Beekeeping Essentials: All the Equipment You Need

Beekeeping is an inexpensive yet engaging hobby that yields sweet rewards. If you think you can start with beekeeping as a hobby by procuring a hive from your backyard, you’re sadly mistaken. It requires you to have a  basic know-how of the pursuit and a few essential equipments that you help you take your beekeeping game to the next level.  If you are new to the world of beekeeping and are already overwhelmed with all the gear available, let us take you through a list of essential equipment that you’d need as a beginner beekeeper. Hives Hives are essentially the place where the bees live. From a plethora of options available out there, you can either choose from bee kits or starter hive packages. There are many available to choose from. You can either get individual bee kits or beehive starter packs. While the latter is on the steeper side, it is an excellent option for beginners as it saves you the trouble of buying hives separately. Protective Clothing The primary gear that...

How to Take Better Care of Your Bees — What Beginners in Beekeeping Should Know

Beekeeping is no joke. Those who are doing it just to get a lot of honey should better go to a nearby store and buy some instead. There are also online stores that sell 100% pure honey, from where you can buy as much honey you want. Why get into the hassles? Make no mistake — we are not discouraging you from becoming a beekeeper, we just want you to make sure that you don’t take it for granted. A true beekeeper knows that there is a lot that goes into the process and to achieve the best results, every important aspect of it should be taken good care of. A specialist in beekeeping and  hive management services  can help you. Here are a few things beginners in beekeeping should know- Regular Inspections Beekeepers should perform regular hive inspections— at least once a month being as thorough as you will pay off in the end. Hive inspections are done to continually monitor a colony's health, productivity, and temperament. Doing so will provide many insights into the Queen's prod...

3 Things To Consider Before You Buy A Colony With Queen Bee

Contrary to popular opinion, buying a well-bred colony with a Queen bee is far from easy. Starting from the features of the hive to its characteristics, you need to focus on various things before you move ahead. To ensure that you do not miss out on anything, you make a list of the things that matter and prepare a checklist. Once you are sure that it ticks off all the boxes, you can buy queen bees in Illinois online with ease. Focus on the key features before you make an informed decision. Here are some of the things you should consider when you wish to buy a colony with queen bee: 1. Honey production in the previous year First, you should start by looking at the amount of honey produced by the colony in the preceding year. For best results, you should look for a colony that has produced more than 125 pounds of excess honey. As this helps you get an accurate idea about honey production in the coming years, it needs to be carefully examined. Once you are sure that a colony meets the pr...

Beekeeping Equipment Every Beekeeper Should Have

Whether you want to become a beekeeper because you love bees or want to do it just for business, there are a few things that you should know. Along with understanding the needs of your bees, there is one most important thing that you should do — buy beekeeping equipment . It is one of the most important things that you would need as a beekeeper. Beekeeping equipment is your protective gear and for that reason, we have pulled together a list of all the essentials you must have. Let’s take a look at them. 1. Beekeeper’s suit A beekeeper’s suit is a protective gear that is made from special materials to prevent bees to sting or crawl into your clothes. You can easily find these suits online at a reasonable price. If you do not want to buy a beekeeper’s suit, you can cover your body with clothes made of thick and hard material, so that it is impossible for the bees to enter inside. That said, a beekeeper’s suit is considered the best option to protect yourself from bee stings, and the colo...

The Concerned Importance Of a Beekeeper Suit

A beekeeper suit, which you have probably seen in informative videos and even in real life, comprises of several protective garments that are known to be worn by people involved in the business industry relating to beekeeping. Bees, be it how much fuzzy they are, when provoked, can sting their potential threats, and the danger doubles when they are large in number. It is for this matter that people who keep them should ensure that they properly protect themselves against them by having a beekeeper suit for sale . Beekeepers play a vital function in protecting the honey bee population. They focus on ensuring that bees are healthy, especially the queen bee because she is the one which is responsible for producing all of the eggs. Another important work that the beekeepers do is about keeping an eye on potential swarming behavior, collecting honey, and also encouraging successful pollination. While all of this is true, keep in mind that beekeeping is not a new phenomenon. Various pieces o...

Why You Should Beekeeping As A Hobby

Honey bees are one of the most beautiful creatures ever created by God. They do a lot of hard work and make our lives, human lives much easier. They produce honey, and wax, which further creates more employment opportunities, delicious dishes and so much more! If you are looking for reasons to become a beekeeper, look no further, because we have what you need—all the amazing reasons! 1. Honey bees help in pollination Honey bees help in pollination and it is the only process through which seeds are produced so that the future plant generations can continue to grow. More than 80 percent of the flowering plants are pollinated by insects like bees. If you become a beekeeper, it can have a direct impact on the production of your garden. 2. Honey bees provide you honey This is one of the most interesting and the obvious reason why so many people choose to become a beekeeper. Honey can make any dish sweet it is used in. Besides, it contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that ...

3 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A Beekeeping Business

Beekeeping is one of the fun yet growing small businesses today. This is because there is so much demand for wax and honey used for various purposes. To keep bees, you should remember a few tips, such as finding the right beehive, using the correct beekeeping supplies, knowing a few beekeeping techniques, and so on. However, there are also many mistakes newbies make during the process. In this blog, we will talk about a few mistakes to avoid when starting a beekeeping business. Also, you can start looking for  beekeeping services in Chicago  to get all the equipment and supplies you will need. Here are some mistakes to avoid when starting a beekeeping business: Not gathering enough knowledge about beekeeping. When you do not equip yourself with some knowledge about beekeeping before you start it, it might lead to an unsuccessful attempt. To make sure your bees stay healthy and continue to work and grow, you need to know a few things, such as knowing the best season to buy bees...

Everything A Beginner Should Know About Beekeeping

Beekeeping is an excellent hobby and is adopted by many people worldwide. Anyone can become a beekeeper, but there are several things one should know about beekeeping, especially if one is a beginner. If you are also fascinated with bees and are looking for honey bees for sale in Illinois , there are some essential things you should first know about it. 1. Number of beehives If you are starting beekeeping for the honey production business, you should know one important thing. The number of beehives you need and the number you want are not always the same. Since you are a beginner, you can start with two or three gives as they will be enough for sharing resources and observing. While more hives mean more honey, if you have weak and sick 8-10 hives, there is no point in having them. Even four healthy hives can make a good amount of honey. 2. Production of honey The production of honey requires many crucial factors such as the colony size, bee workforce health, weather conditions, nectar ...

3 Rookie Mistakes To Avoid In Beekeeping

You are well aware of the importance of stinging insects that bring the nectar to your breakfast table, but it takes multitudes of effort when rearing them in your yard. If you are starting an apiary in the coming days, you may face hardships that could be discouraging and frustrating. As a beginner beekeeper, you should get the right beehive frames and equipment to make the most of the available resources. Get familiar with the following three mistakes you need to avoid in the beekeeping job. Wrong location Unless you already have a flourishing business bee farming with a maximum workforce and adequate facility, you want to keep the farm near your residence. Rearing the bees in your garden allows you to access the farm and monitor the process, but you must know both the risk and convenience of the location. If your yard has full of plants that yield flowers, your honeybees can enjoy producing nectars. However, a place that has extreme weather and structures is not suitable for honeybe...

Amazing Benefits Of Starting A Beekeeping Business

Whether it is a whip of sweet yellow liquid on your pancake or plant pollination in your garden, many products come from honeybees. The most amazing winged creatures are responsible for many great things in your surroundings. If you want to keep them in your yard, start looking for a beekeeper suit for sale in your area. The following is a list of things you can expect from the beekeeping business. Harvest honey from your beehive   You can get processed honeybee from the market, and it tastes real too. However, such a product is plenty, and you get bored with using the same type of commercial food. Harvesting fresh honey from your yard before bringing it into the kitchen is the best thing in your life.  Find the bee equipment supplier that offers beekeeper suits for sale, to wear your protective gear when collecting the sweet nectar from the honeycomb. Once you have removed the beehives, you can pour some slimy gluey liquid into your mouth. The smell of fresh honey creates an...