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How to Check for Varroa Mites?

Varroa mites are one of the biggest threats to honey bees' health. Mites that multiply quickly spread viruses from one bee to another. The only way to stop viruses from doing damage is to get rid of the mites. For this, you need to do regular Varroa Mite Testing . What are Varroa Mites? Varroa mites are parasites that live outside of honey bees and feed on both the adults and the developing young. Infestations of Varroa mites can cause colonies to make brood with deformed or missing wings or legs. Adult bees parasitized by Varroa mites are often weak and die young. If nothing is done to stop them, infestations can quickly get out of hand and even wipe out whole colonies. Adult Varroa mites are usually between 1 and 1.5 mm long, reddish-brown in color, and have eight legs and an oval body. Why do we need to do Varroa Mite Testing? Many new beekeepers check their hives for varroa mites infrequently because it can be a lot of work. Because of this, many colonies die during the wint...

The Benefits of Using Beekeeping Gloves

  Beekeeping gloves, as the name implies, are specifically designed for those who engage in the action of beekeeping. Playing with bees and being exposed to the risk of being stung at any time is a dangerous job.  A pair of beekeeping gloves  is an important component of protective equipment for anyone working with bees. It is an essential piece of equipment because your hands do all of the work and are the closest to those risky bees. It's important to pick the correct gloves. You must put on the proper gloves since you must take the utmost care of yourself and need to do so while wearing the proper hand protection. Why do you need to wear beekeeping gloves? When working among the bees, you must wear beekeeping gloves. Here are all the main reasons why you should get them and put them on before going near those small, nasty creatures. Protection against stings Beekeeping gloves  safeguard your hands from stings, preventing infection. Their thick layers protect you ...

Different Ways of Identifying Queen Bee

A queen bee is indeed the ruler of a bee hive as well as the parent of the colony's workers and drones bees, but not all of them. A strong queen is essential to the hive's survival; if she becomes unwell or dies, the colony will perish if a replacement queen is not found in time. Beekeepers must be able to differentiate a queen bee from one another in order to keep their colonies running well. Look for distinctions in behavior, location, and physical qualities to help you find and brand your queen. Seek for the biggest bee Almost typically, the queen bee is the biggest bee inside the colony. Drones can grow to be as large as or larger than that of the queen, but you can distinguish them apart by their girth while buying queen bee online in Chicago . The queen bee will indeed be significantly longer and slimmer than that of the other bees. Look for a protruding abdomen The abdomen of a bee is the lowest section of its body, next to the stinger. The abdomens of honeybees are blun...

Tips To Learn More About Honeybees

From toasted loaves of bread to skincare products and wooden furnishing sets, various things you use every day require honeybee products one way or another. It is captivating to know that they are one of the essential sources of life on this planet regarding several benefits of honeybees. There would be a lack of quality food products available without bee pollination, and that is why saving these stingy insects from extinction has been crucial. If you want to be a part of bee saving community to protect our ecosystem, consider the following tips for the starter pack. Honey tasting When you eat something with honey, the aroma of the gluey yellow fluid makes you feel like heaven. A spoon of honey enhances the flavor of certain food items and improves your health restoration. The delicious food ingredient provided by an apiary company may look similar to another product, but there will always be differences in the quality and taste. Besides the honey processing technics, the nectar sourc...

Nuc Vs Package Bees: Which Is Better For a Beginner?

If you are getting started as a beekeeper, the first and foremost thing that you need to choose is a bee source. There are two primary sources of bees: package bees and honey bee nucs. Both of them have their pros and cons. Let’s look at these honey sources in greater detail with the help of this article. Package Bees Each year, more than a thousand honeybee packages are sold, and the most popular size is the three # (weight) package of bees with a young mated queen. The bees in these packages come from commercial pollination services. A wooden box or small wire is utilized to transport them, and a can of sugar syrup is fed to them on the way. Nucs Nucleus colonies, also known as nucs, are the central part of a large colony. Various retailers who deal with bee products and other related accessories have honey bee nucs for sale, where you can find nuc as a small colony living on about 5 frames. It has all the traits of a fully-grown colony and, in addition to that, also has some stored ...